117. Grief Series Ep. 4: I Found a Gift in My Experience of Grief with Kathy Heath


If you are struggling or have dealt with difficult feelings (anger, fear, grief, etc.) arising from the autism diagnosis of your child, you are not alone.

Kathy Heath, a blogger and a mom of three with one autistic child, openly shares the complexity of feelings she experienced after receiving her middle son’s autism diagnosis several years ago.

She talks about the transformational process of going from denial to acceptance and why it’s so important for moms to sit with their fear and feelings of being lost.

Listen to this episode and find out what key realizations Kathy had to help shift from grief to experiencing more beauty and joy in her life.


Theme song: Look at the Clouds by Tristan Lohengrin https://soundcloud.com/tristanlohengrin/look-at-the-clouds

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